Donut or Doughnut?

They're sweet and sugary, so I'm voting for the easy donut recipe as an addition to your holiday baking list. It really was SO simple to make these delicious treats, you really should think about whipping up a dozen as a sure fire way to impress your nearest Mother-in-Law or significant other. I'm telling you, these are so yummy and simple, I'm going renegade here and substituting donuts for one of my Christmas cookies on my gift plates this year....

Vegetable or Canola Oil
Refrigerator tube of ready to bake biscuits (homestyle, buttermilk, texas style, butter, whatever floats your boat)
Cinnamon and sugar mixture (to roll donuts in right after they are finished frying)

I used butter biscuits only because they were on MAJOR sale. I mean, like, $.40 a tube kinda sale. I don't think the butter affected the donut flavor either. To shape it into a donut, I used the top of an empty water bottle to cut a perfect hole. So, you end up with both donuts, and little donut holes! No food goes to waste in my kitchen!!

Fill a frying pan up with just enough oil to where the donut is almost completely immersed. Be extremely vigilant with the time it spends in the bubbling hot oil, otherwise you'll end up with some crispy, well done donuts! I think I let mine cook for about 20 seconds per side. Then, just flip with tongs. Be careful with splattering oil drops.... Those suckers hurt!!

As soon as they're done frying, immediately throw them in a bowl of cinnamon sugar. Measure out the cinnamon sugar ratio to your taste. Cover completely while still hot. Tip: Use a spoon or tongs. These donuts are smokin hot.

I let them cool on wax paper.
Last step: Take a humongous bite. Raaawr.


Unknown said…
mmmmm...are you gonna make me some???
Miss Amy said…
oh please, you wouldn't eat donuts (neither do i) but they make great gifts!! :)
M. said…
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M. said…
PERFECT timing! I am having foreign film night tomorrow and I have to make wassail and doughnuts ( figure spell out when they're homemade, right?! Makes you more a connoisseur). so, thanks! Oh, and no... I'm not, I'm leaving for the UK the 26th... but give your fam and chuck a big hug for me! xx Merry Christmas though, i'm glad you get to go home!!

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