O Canada!

Anyone who may have seen me loading my car with luggage Wednesday morning most likely assumed I was leaving town for a month. In reality, one hanging bag was devoted entirely to winter coats, sweaters and boots. (and mittens, scarves and hats....) I really did need everything I packed, because I truly believe my internal body temperature hovers at about 89 degrees.

I tearfully waved goodbye to the sun-kissed mountain tops of Scottsdale, as we flew off to the East coast of Canada. Although I'm already a full fledged thin blooded Arizonian, I instantly regretted ever complaining I was cold when the thermostat hit 60 degrees. I knew I was in for the authentic, tundra kind of cold.

Today is Friday, and we are on the tail end of our cross country Canadian tour. We started in Toronto, zipped over to Winnipeg (or Winterpeg, as the locals lovingly call it), headed Northwest to Edmonton, and go South tomorrow to Calgary. As a child, I grew up exploring the Eastern Seaboard with my family. We vacationed in Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, Quebec, Montreal, Toronto, etc.... I now realize how prudent my parents were in limiting our Canadian jaunts to the summertime. I absolutely love Canadians, but I question the sanity of anyone willing to live through this sort of weather. The same goes for you Norweigans. Seriously, -20 degrees Farenheit?!?! Trade your snowpants in for straightjackets!

Oh well. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade! Or, in my case. When life gives you snow, make snowballs! I had fun running around in the snow and throwing snowballs at the pilots. Definitely the highlight of my trip so far.
The airplane we flew in on.......
HAHA. Just kidding. This is just an airplane graveyard outside the airport.

Here is a video of us coming into Winnipeg. If the camera is a little shaky, it's only my pre-emptive shivering. Sorry.

In all reality, it has been nice to escape the groundhog summer days of Arizona. It is, after all, December. We could all use a little snow with our holidays, eh?


Unknown said…
You make me laugh!!! And the photos were great - loved the boots alternative to the traditional "toes" picture! Yes...Canada is COLD...when I looked on the map to find Edmonton, and saw it was just south of Reindeer Lake, I knew you weren't kidding!!! Stay warm! At least you don't live in the north country anymore!!!
M. said…
ha! Didn't your Rochester upbringing prepare you. I think we are only slightly less mental... rainy, dreary, cold... snow. I just read a friends blog who lives in So. Cal and I said to myself "what am i thinking living here?!" Hey, at least yo looked cute while you were cold, right?
Cheryl said…
Is there anywhere you haven't been?Just checking in. Canada at least sounds more fun than the freezing cold here on the east coast. You look great!
erin said…
Dear Amy,

Please tell your company that you have a lovely 22 year old, college grad friend who would love to do what you do!

Erin (Your 22 year old, college grad friend).

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