Mustache in Italian: the Baffi

This week, Frédérique Stone C. (what an amazing name), returned home from her 1 1/2 years living abroad in Italy. She was serving an LDS Church mission, which is voluntary and unpaid. She chose to serve the people of the Milan, Italy mission and in doing so, serving the Lord.

Her family is one of my favorite families of all time. Not only are they all best friends, but they're young, fun, beautiful, intelligent, kind, and totally crazy. In a good way, of course!

As the C. family prepared for Rique's American arrival, they decided there is no better way to say "Welcome Home from Italy" better than with Italian-Man mustaches for everyone!

Sticky mustaches were purchased, a huge Italian flag was acquired, friends and family assembled at the International Arrivals gate. We boisterously welcomed just about everyone to America with our baffis. Some laughed, some looked at us like we were crazy. It was a perfect evening. When she came through that turn-style and hugged her family for the first time in over 912 days.... It was emotional.

Welcome home and benvenuto a casa!!


Darien said…
We made Amy's famous blog. You're the best. Can't wait for Newport party!
heart. Darien

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