Investing in Happiness

Groundhog Day. That is what my life has become.

As some of you know, my boss sold his airplane this week. We are in the market for a bigger, better and faster airplane. But buying an airplane isn't like stopping by Target to pick up a tube of toothpaste. It takes months, and sometimes years if you're looking for brand new. Depending on the airplane, you could be on a waiting list only for a chance to bid on the newest of the new. So, with our airplane sold, I am getting paid to wait. In the meantime, we won't be completely airplane-less. We'll just lease one.... But, I've heard it all...Get a real job! Do you ever work? What are you flying on if your airplane is sold? I can't believe you get paid to go to the beach and do whatever you want all day! Must be nice to sit around and do nothing.

I am bored people. Bored out of my mind. I actually think 1/4 of my brain may possibly be mush.

I am feeling a need to do something worthwhile with my time, about as strongly as I feel a need to breathe. To make a difference. To be needed. So, I have decided that I will begin investing in my happiness. What truly makes me happy? When I think of my ideal life, what is the first thing that comes to mind? You know, the thoughts that ALWAYS come first, but they seem so ridiculous, you shove them out of the way so the more boring, but seemingly achievable aspirations can weasel their way in. I am trying to consciously focus on the gut reaction I have when I wonder what I should do with my life. It's actually kind of scary to realize that big changes may lie ahead....

Sometimes I wonder about certain paths I should take, or should have taken. Small tweaks or changes I could make to yield greater and more positive results in my future.... I think a good way to judge these thoughts, is to imagine yourself 50 years down the road. Imagine being in the job or the lifestyle you are in for 50 years. Are you happy? Are there things about your life you wish you could have changed earlier? It's an attempt to capitalize on the old saying "Hindsight is always 20/20". However, you don't REALLY have the hindsight to analyze, just an imagination of what you might be telling yourself at that point.

I am volunteering quite a bit in the next month with Volunteer Broward and Hands On Miami. I am really looking forward to these opportunities to give back and maybe make some small difference. I am taking up yoga!! I need to take a break from all the running, and I figure why not give my brain and spirit a workout along with my body. I am streamlining my life. Organizing, consolidating, simplifying and detoxing. I am weeding out the negative influences and people.

Could this be considered a quarter life crisis? I think it should be re-named as a quarter life restructuring. Crisis sounds like some sort of catastrophe, and I hardly think taking up yoga could be defined as a catastrophe. :)


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