I Blame It On Moving

Yes. Much time has passed since my last entry. I apologize for my procrastination, but I blame it on moving to Arizona! This all happened at the end of November, 2007. I had a week to get out of my apartment, since December 1st was approaching, and there was no need to pay for another month when I wasn't going to stick around. I don't advise trying to move in a week! Again, I am so thankful for the friends that helped me actually accomplish that.

Christmas time!! This was something I could be happy about, look forward to, and now spend the time with my family without the fear of having to fly off on a trip! I haven't experienced that feeling of stability in 3 1/2 years. It was refreshing, and somehow so normal. I headed home to Rochester, New York. I spent an amazing month at home with my parents, sister and extended family. It was just what I needed to be surrounded by. Support and love. Aren't families awesome?!

Right after the holidays, I drove my car (which has been in NY for the past year or so) out to Phoenix all by myself! It was 3 1/2 days of 12 hour days, sketchy hotel rooms, 1 cracked windshield, Starbucks, and truck stops. But if I dare admit it, it was actually kind of fun!

I arrived in Phoenix safe and sound at the beginning of January. I am living with my sister and her roommate Michelle. She has been so supportive and giving. She shares her bathroom, her room, her space, her everything. I couldn't have asked for a better sister. Thankfully, we all move into a 3 bedroom HOUSE on March 1st. I can't wait!! No more apartment living for us. We have a beautiful pool in the backyard, huge patio, great kitchen, and even a flat screen TV (compliments of our landlord who says she doesn't have anywhere to put it). As soon as we move in, I'll get pictures up!

As for a job. That's still undetermined :) I am taking myself out of the aviation profession. It has proven to be unreliable and unstable. It really is time for me to start the whole "settling down" process. You know, be in the country for more than a week at a time. I haven't ever really experienced a time in my life where I felt the state of the American economy directly affected me. Until now. Jobs are few and far between. When a quality position does open up, there are hundreds of people vying for it. You and your resume have to really stand out to even be noticed.... I know something will happen eventually. It's just frustrating being so unstable. It's not a feeling I've had in a long time. So, if any of you reading this have any employment connections in the Phoenix valley, let me know!! :)


M. said…
glad you are alive and safe! I'm trying to make it to AZ this year to visit a college friend...ends up you are now in the same area. It would be fun to catch up. I'll let you know. Until then happy job hunting, YOU CAN DO IT!
Todd Chambers said…
...just had a position open up if you're still interested...interesting that I missed your thoughts on your profession here...anyway, let me know...the pays not bad, but the benefits...yeah, they're good ;-)

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