Reuse, Recyle and Origami

I bought some bio-degradable loofah kitchen sponges today from this cool Natural Health food store called Granola. Normally, I wouldn't go out of my way to be so environmentally friendly (sorry, it's true), and I definitely wouldn't pay $4 for 2 sponges. BUT, the store is going out of business and everything in the store is 60% off! I had an entire cart full of goodies and it all came to only $60. How is that possible?? Anyways.... the paper bird feeder (yes, it's a bird feeder filled with chocolate pieces) was made by ME out of the cardboard packaging of the loofah sponges! On the inside of the box, it gave folding and cutting directions on how to construct it. Much more fun than just throwing it in the recycling can. The only problem is, I don't know that birds even exist in Arizona. Do we even have wildlife here besides ants? It's entirely too hot to sustain life. It's almost like Mars, I would imagine. But, anyways, I am so proud of my ghetto little bird feeder, even though I'll most likely end up throwing it in the recycling can in the end...


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