I have a new boyfriend....

SIKE! I've got jokes!! Did I really just say sike? Is that how you even spell sike?

I do have a new love, that part really is true.... CILANTRO! Oh, how I love this green, fragrant, pungent and tasty green herb. I used to really, really dislike the taste of my new found love. I thankfully saw the light, and started cooking with it recently.

Here is my lunch today

Egg whites, minced garlic, chopped chives, pinch of low fat cheddar cheese, chopped cilantro, and chopped tomatoes added at the very end of cooking until they warm through. Arrange on a toasted piece of wheat bread. The real question is how will I ever fit a bite into my mouth. This is a heaping mountain of fabulousness.


Dawn and Spence said…
Oh my heavens, just looking at that picture got my mouth watering! YUMMY!!!! P.S. It's psych! :-)
Miss Amy said…
PSYCH!!! love it!
M. said…
haa. so how many eggs dropped of the piece of toast? :)
My friends and I were having a conversation the other day about slang words we used to use and how we ever thought they were "wicked"... forgot about that one. I like your spelling!
Miss Amy said…
i think i managed to keep most of it on the bread. but, this is definitely not a first date dish. i'm certain i looked wicked nasty trying to eat it. :)
Unknown said…
Dad once got sick and blamed it on the cilantro. It was years before he was willing to try it again - and found out cilantro wasn't the culprit! What's salsa without cilantro?!

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