Inventively Warm

If you happen to find yourself in weather such as this........
And if you're anything like me, where your internal body temperature hovers around 86 degrees, you learn quickly to be resourceful when it comes to warming up. One of my early morning favorites is the hotel room hair dryer. Simply turn on high, and blow the hot air up the bottom of your t-shirt. Instant sauna!!!

In elementary school, I remember visiting a Colonial town during a class field trip. I remember these huge, heavy cast iron pots the women would fill with hot coals, which were placed under the covers of their beds before bedtime. Sort of an old school electric blanket... Get the sheets toasty warm before they slipped into them at night. However, cast iron pots aren't too travel friendly. I'm surprised the TSA doesn't have a ban on them along with everything else practical. So, in an attempt to re-create the same sheet warming effect, I use my laptop. I place it on my bed about an hour before bedtime, without any barrier between the sheets and the bottom of my laptop. Who needs electric blankets? Re-purpose that laptop electric heat!!
On the go and a little chilly? Bathroom hand dryers are a God send. Especially those ones who have the swively heads on them. What's better than hot air blowing up in your face on a frigid day? Yes, you may need to re-start them 2 or 3 times before you warm up, but it's worth making little kids wait in line. They just want to play 'push the button'. You're half frostbitten, remember? Frostbite trumps play.
How did I ever survive before Vegas, Miami and Phoenix? My blood is ridiculously and embarassingly thin. C'est la Vie. I'm practicing and polishing my creative side.... ;)


Laina said…
OMG me toooo!!! I am ALWAYS freeeezing! Like right now. Sitting in my office I am FREEZING! My roommate constantly turns OFF the heater while I soon walk right back and flip it back on...and high! What a great idea with waking up in the morning to the heated hair dryer...hmmmmm. I"m always cold in the mornings especially!
Beth said…
Haha, I loved this blog Amy! Especially the laptop idea--pure genius! Keep warm, and fly safe! :)

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