Red Headed Step Child

I was in San Francisco last week for 3 days of emergency / policy training for a new aviation company I am working with. Scintillating stuff, trust me.

One of the other flight attendants attending the training was named Mikiko. She works on the (beautiful) G550 for a private owner in Japan. They were in the States for a three week maintenance stop, so she decided to attend the training during her down time... Which, by the sound of it, she had quite a bit of. She is afraid to drive in America, really doesn't speak much English, and hasn't had much American food she enjoys besides In-N-Out cheeseburgers. Poor girl! She just seemed bored. And hungry.

Let me tell you now about her cell phone. Mikiko had possibly the coolest cell phone ever. Just to preface this story, let me explain why I was so infatuated. I am a fairly private person, and when I share things about my personal life, it's probably because I like you and trust you. So, naturally, it is a pet peeve of mine when people sit next to me, and try to read what I'm texting or emailing on my Blackberry (crackberry). You all know the move. It's the totally obvious, but casual 'over and down' glance at your cell phone, just long enough for them to insert themselves into your business. Now, I'm not above doing this sometimes myself. But only on airplanes, and when the person next to me is reading a magazine or a newspaper article I want to read as well. I'll totally pull the over and down... Piggyback on their article skimming. Harmless.... But when it's a private and personal conversation via cellphone, then it's just obnoxious.

That being said, enter Mikiko's cool Japanese cell phone. Why is it that Americans are SO far behind in cell phone technology? B. and I were just discussing this the other day. We are literally a decade behind the rest of the world in mobile technology. Why is this? Does anyone know? B. was telling me that years ago, a European friend of his had a cell phone that allowed real time video conference chat. I don't think we even have that available to us even now! Why are we the red headed step children of cell phone technology? Aren't we the superpower of the world, the land of the free, the most holy of all holies? Ok, the last one was a bit much...But you'd think that Verizon would throw us a bone to chew on... The Blackberry Storm is all they can come up with for us?! Lame.

My ranting is postponing pictures...Sorry. Mikiko explained how on the sardine-like packed metros in Japan, the 'over and down' glance was inevitable.

This picture is not blurry....It's a privacy film that covers the screen, so unless you're looking at it dead on, all the words/images are blurry. GENIUS!!!!! Now, I know they have these in larger sizes for computer screens. But, I've never seen them marketed en mass for cell phones.

Look at the fun Japanese characters on her cell phone. I always wished I could write, or more appropriately, draw Japanese symbols. I think their language is so beautiful in print. Now, I have no idea what this says in English, so for all you Japanese speakers out there, enlighten me please. Unless it says "This stupid blonde girl is trying to steal my cell phone. Dumb Americans". In that case, let me live in my ignorance. Thanks.
The screen is removable, just in case you're feeling extra sharing that day.
Oh, America. Our great Nation. I appreciate the Democracy, the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness...all that jazz. I really do. But is it too much to ask that our cell phone technology keep up with the rest of the world? I mean, seriously Verizon. A clicking touchscreen is your latest and greatest?


Jody Zimmer said…
i totally agree with you. you notice how james bond always has the coolest phones. and the thing is there actually real and could buy them if you were somewhere outside the US. I'm talking about the most recent bond movies of course. Anyway your right, lets move to japan and get us some sweet cell phones.
erin said…
I love your posts and this post made me want to buy a privacy screen. Thank you for educating me.
Brooke said…
I had no idea better cell phones exhisted outside the US. The privacy screen thing is pretty sweet. I enjoy your posts. You should become a writer:)
M. said…
yeah... we need that. Swap her some sushi for it :)
I totally want a privacy screen, so then I will look more like a professional on my BB, when I am really playing brickbreaker. When I went to BYUH all of the students from Asia had the coolest phones and gadgets...we are so behind!
Beth said…
I would have never thought to take pictures for all my faithful blogger fans. Ingenius! That's seriously funny how far behind we are though :)
Anonymous said…
I know you've been waiting for this, so here's the translation of what was on the phone (and it was only a middle part of a sentence, not the whole thing)

"You can take this test as a group, so please fill all the blank. Please do your best."

May not be as cool as you thought, but at least it wasn't calling you a stupid blonde girl.
Laina said…
OK first of all yes we are totally behind in mobils technology!!!

Secondly...what is your pin? I have verizon blackberry too!!!

Thirdly...I took a couple years of Japanese (it was my major for a little bit) and I can totally write almost all those characters...cept teh kanji...those are the really intricate ones. I got the books to teach you how if you really wanna learn! lol.

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