No Opportunity Wasted!

Never underestimate the power of compliments!! Hand them out like candy. Never miss an opportunity to lift the heart and spirit of another person.

The power of compliments is infinite and limitless. The more that you take the time to lift others up and remark and recognize their gifts, the more you are also taking the time to recognize and appreciate your own gifts. After all, what you see in others is what lies inside of you.

Take the time everyday, to compliment as many people as you can. As you lift others higher in this world, you are changing the world for the better. These people will no doubt in turn spread that positive joy that you passed to them, to those in their life and so forth. The more that others feel good about themselves, the more good they can add to this life.

The energy you put out into the world comes back to you a hundredfold. You deserve the best treatment in life as do others.

If you feel that someone's actions do not warrant kind treatment in the moment try to picture them in a different light. For example, picture them as a child who is scared or your best friend who has just lost a loved one.

Sometimes stress, duress, and other such factors make a person not act in their best potential. You can help remind them of the beauty inside their hearts. Sometimes a simple reminder, like a compliment, can do wonders for changing another person's heart.

When you give compliments, you are also giving love to another person. Truly, love is all we need in life. Never withhold love that you want to give. You do not ever want to regret anything in life. You want to live as completely and entirely as possible.

Together, we can all make this world a better place.

- Liane Schmidt


Laina said…
I totally agree. I always try to compliment. And think about how great it feels to get one?!

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