I'm Weird, You're Weird.

I am so grateful for the interesting, creative, different, zany and weird friends in my life. You make me feel safe, loved and normal. Whatever normal means.... I have always found a certain comfort in people who march to the beat of their own drum. I love when people live without apology. They are comfortable in their own skin, and take charge of their own happiness. I watch and learn from your grounded sense of security. Thank you to my most out-of-the-box friends and family. When I sometimes say "you're so weird", please know that means, i love you so much for being you. Uniquely, you. Don't ever change, and keep marching to that beat.

image source like you'd understand anyways


Anonymous said…
Ahhh, so that's what you mean when you tell me that I'm weird? Someone once said that what we call "normal" might just be the psycho-pathology of the average.
Your out-of-the-box dad
Miss Amy said…
dad, in my world, you are the Godfather of weird...and i love it! more than anyone else i know, you're proud and confident to be YOU. more people should take note!

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