Pick Me a Peach Please

Peach season has arrived! My lovely cousin Michelle and I drove to what felt like California in search of a "U-Pick Peaches" farm.

It really was only 40 minutes away, but when you're used to a grocery store on every corner, the ease of fresh produce starts to spoil you. I don't know about Michelle, but I left the farm feeling rejuvenated. There's something about the country that calms my mind. So much of the time, I feel hurried through life. It's nice to take a big step back and a few notches down.

Arizona irrigation ditches devoid of water. Soft tipped weeds blow in the wind...

It also reminds me that I'm a big baby, and that I would make a really bad farmer's wife. After about 30 minutes of picking peaches in the scorching 105 degree Arizona sun, I was already begging Michelle to go buy peaches with me at Sprouts Farmers Market. They have aiiiiir conditioning, I whined. I know, pathetic. We decided that picking peaches was a better idea when temperatures area about 20 degrees cooler. At the end of our afternoon, we left the farm satisfied, fingers sticky with peach juice, 6 lbs of peaches and a great farmers tan. Definitely worth the effort.

Hungry Buggers

The back corner may or may not be evidence of my snacking....

Sun kissed fuzzy peaches soft to the touch. Take a bite and watch the warm peach juice roll down your pinky finger. The mix of sweet and tart overwhelm the senses. Smile.....


michelle said…
ummm....it was california! well it was a hot fabulous time in the sun...I came to a solution for my unripe yet bruised friends....make jam! come over for some! its my first attempt...i hope it turns out ok. thanks for the fun time!
Unknown said…
MMMMMMM!!! Your pictures and descriptive text left my mouth watering! Can't wait for August...
I love your quote of the day today!
Chet said…
Two things come to mind when I think of peaches. First and most important is peach shortcake. In heaven there will be peach shortcake...as a matter of fact it will be the hallmark of heaven. Secondly, spiders. Spiders, big spiders like to hang out in the peaches. Apparently you didn't see any cuz I would have heard you from here.
Enjoy with bisquick and whipped cream.
Laina said…
Love the pics as always! The sunflower in the sun is amazing!

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