Pick Me a Peach Please
Peach season has arrived! My lovely cousin Michelle and I drove to what felt like California in search of a "U-Pick Peaches" farm.
It really was only 40 minutes away, but when you're used to a grocery store on every corner, the ease of fresh produce starts to spoil you. I don't know about Michelle, but I left the farm feeling rejuvenated. There's something about the country that calms my mind. So much of the time, I feel hurried through life. It's nice to take a big step back and a few notches down.
It also reminds me that I'm a big baby, and that I would make a really bad farmer's wife. After about 30 minutes of picking peaches in the scorching 105 degree Arizona sun, I was already begging Michelle to go buy peaches with me at Sprouts Farmers Market. They have aiiiiir conditioning, I whined. I know, pathetic. We decided that picking peaches was a better idea when temperatures area about 20 degrees cooler. At the end of our afternoon, we left the farm satisfied, fingers sticky with peach juice, 6 lbs of peaches and a great farmers tan. Definitely worth the effort.
I love your quote of the day today!
Enjoy with bisquick and whipped cream.