The US Supreme Court and Paris

Ms. Kalman is a illustrative genius. If only I could be half as creative and introspective as her! I love the simple way she deconstructs situations, issues and circumstances which seem larger than life. In her latest spread, Kalman breathes new life into the solid institution of Washington D.C. and the Supreme Court. My favorite line is at the very end, where she muses about buying a judge's robe and collar in Paris, and wearing it around the house while she paints. She wonders if it would give her self confidence to throw around terms like prima facie. What a fun idea. I love the image in my head....prancing around in a judge's robe with childlike imagination. All she needs now is a crown and a princess wand. What a splendid life she leads... Enjoy!

**if you have trouble reading the small font on her paintings, click on the picture, and a larger version will pop up on your screen. to get back to the post, click your 'back' button.


Anonymous said…
How adorable! I love her illustrations and sentiments! Thanks for posting it all!
Miss Amy said…
she is one of my favorites! i love the way she writes. i feel as if i'm a fly on the wall inside her head listening along to her thoughts!
Ah, I went to law school and that still did not give me the confidence to throw latin around but what the hey - maybe it was all in the robes and I never know it!?! Res ipsa - that is still my favorite legal term of all time.
I agree, res ipsa is my favorite phrase of law school as well. The word prima facie reminds me of the first year of law school, blah! I love the first and last painting and I feel like I need them on my desk! Thanks for posting this!

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