The Bermuda Triangle

In this case, the Bermuda triangle consisted of scooters, beaches and perfumeries. I look back and wish I took more photos of people. Strangers, locals, children, tourists, whomever. I love documenting the different looks in each country. All the beautiful elegance out there...Elegance is not relegated only to fashion.... You see it on their faces, in their mannerisms, the way they eat, the way they play. I wish I had it on film....

My favorite part of flying....

A trip to Bermuda a while back was the first time where I was left completely alone mid-trip. The pilots had to leave and attend a week long training in Savannah while I stayed on the island solo. Our clients were still there, but were on their own schedule.... I was ecstatic.

The law in Bermuda states that no tourists are legally allowed to rent vehicles. The roads are too narrow, the island too small....the extra rental cars would create havoc.

Imagine hundreds of tourists renting scooters and attempting to drive on the left side of the road....madness. So naturally, I had to rent one and explore. The look on the rental man's face was priceless when he realized I didn't have a clue how to drive it. Getting out of the parking lot was a struggle, but I firmly believe in fake it till ya make it. As long as my helmet was on tight, I was good to go! Just like riding a bike, right????

I quickly got the hang of it, and I discovered one of the most beautiful places I've been to date. It takes 45 minutes to go from the north end of the island to the south (scooter speeds, of course). I would stop at a grocery store to pick up fresh fruits and vegetables, pack them in my handy little basket, and away I'd go! Stopping only for photo ops, and to recover from many almost-head-on-collisions....(my fault. i'm learning to drive a scooter AND drive on the left side of the road at the same time! there's only so much multi-tasking i can do!).

I'd like to be here now, please.

I climbed to the top of this rock and laid in the sun for about an hour. This was my view. Stunning.

The only person on the beach.

City Hall

Then I scooted over to the north side of the island to the perfumery. They mix and create their own perfumes, and allow you to make your own unique scent. I made a small bottle of perfume from these flowers! I still have some, and it brings back such carefree memories whenever I wear it...

Old fashioned perfumery. I felt like a mad scientist! It was fantastic!
"A woman who wears no perfume, has no future!" - Coco Chanel


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