Push Pin Memories

I ran out of pins....

But each one represents a million memories, smells, tastes, people, museums, cafes, cobblestone streets, countryside drives, dramatic sunrises, foreign beaches, gothic churches, inspiring architecture, history, fashion, new things, my heart...

Sometimes I miss the life. Sad I had to give that world my ultimatum, and it couldn't measure up. I am so grateful that I even experienced it at all.

But then I remember how much left there is to discover on my own time, with my own loved ones......And I get excited all over again.

Who's with me?


Nicole said…
wow, SO amazing! I hope to travel to all those places someday!!! I'm with you!!
tiff and jay. said…
I love that you did that!! I have always wanted a push pin map lol. Those memories are priceless but there is so much more in store!!! :)
M. said…
um, YES. where are we going?!... Guatemala?

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