The Benefits of Bordering Mexico

Besides having 24/7 access to the most delicious tamales on earth, my favorite part of living so close to Mexico is our ability to drive to the beach for a long weekend. It's T-minus 7 days until four days on the Mexican beaches 40 minutes south of Rocky Point.

It is where I will wake up every day with this as my view.

Where my friend R can do flying leaps off gigantic dunes to a soft and sandy landing below

If I were smart, I'd run up the steep sandy Mexican mountains to burn off the tortilla chips, fish tacos, and coconut popsicles. 

But instead, I usually run up these instead.

Mexico is a place where you can hire two local senioritas to come to your house with bags of local ingredients, and cook up a storm for 20 people for $150. This is big money to them. This year, I am downsizing my closet, and bring them bags and bags of clothing. I hope they can use it.

Rice, beans, chicken, carnitas, tortillas...All made from scratch. R also makes them look like teeny, tiny senioritas as he speaks to them in Spanish. Oh, how they love him!

At night, we wind down and listen to J softly play his guitar with the ocean waves as his band. We collapse into the soft leather couches and drift in and out of sleep, as the warm south of the border breeze cools our sun kissed bodies.

Mexico, I'm ready


Anonymous said…
hi! Found your blog on Pioneer Woman's site. It's neat that you take advantage of being so close to the border. I live near the border too, but unfortunately don't take advantage of the fun things to do down here. Hopefully another time :)
M. said…
wow!!! have so much fun, I'm soooo jealous!
Giovanna said…
Oh this is a lovely post!
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