Clear Away the Dirt

Photo and inspiration by Christine Kane

This year, I set some huge intentions. Big big stuff. 

And, of course, when we plant new seeds in the form of bigger more expansive dreams for ourselves – the first thing that comes up is not the beautiful tender green sprout.

The first thing that comes up?

The dirt. 

I’ve learned over and over again that when dirt happens, it is up to us to go within and clear it away.

From old mindsets and habits to old papers in our file cabinets.

From clothing we never wore and spent all year feeling guilty for buying it – to people and relationships that drain our energy.

Never mind how many times you’ve done this. If you’re living an expansive life, you will continue to do it. You will let go, weed out, and keep expanding. 

Yesterday I had a breakthrough, and was sharing it with a friend over tacos the other night.... It’s like a small bit of the green sprout had decided to poke its way through the dirt. 

And all I have to do is clear the last bit of dirt away and grow.

And I told my friend that even though I’ve done this a million times, I was still uncertain in the tenderness. A tiny part of me questions the wisdom of leaving the cold comforting darkness of the soil. (Hey, I can take a good nap under here!)

As we parted, my friend said something to me I want to share with you, just in case you might need the 
words of a very wise woman to speak to you today: 

She said: “Remember this. It’s not happening TO you. It’s happening FOR you.”
So… what is it that is happening FOR you right now?


Ashley said…
you know what's happening?! I'M SERIOUSLY MISSING YOU!!!
Abril said…
This is a Christine Kane original article. Good post :)
Miss Amy said…
You're right, Abril! The credit to Christine is at the top of the post :)

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