Does Anyone Eat Together as a Family Anymore?

 Inspiration and photo from thekitchen blog
Growing up, I was lucky enough to have parents who enforced the act of eating at the dinner table. It never felt like punishment, but rather was a time we all enjoyed, still do to this day, and still tell stories about. 

Our nightly conversations revolved around intricate medical procedures, passionate debates over political or social problems, sports we needed rides to, and the latest family news. Sometimes we were even serenaded by my lovely father, and his rendition of  the Moody Blues' Tuesday Afternoon... well, 'serenaded' could possibly be an exaggeration of descriptions....

What did you talk about at your family table?


Sheryl Towers said…
I believe it was serenade for sure, and bet he'd give his right arm to have you both back doing it again. I was blessed in a time when eating regularly together was common. My children were also blessed with our family eating together, except when we were all playing sports and eating hot dogs, nacho's on the run. LOL true story! There were nights that all 6of us had games...Towers softball/baseball craze! Glad those days are over, but wouldn't trade them for anything. ♥U
Laina said…
Ok seriously. I agree. Families just don't do that. Thank goodness mine does. And often. We do dinners for every holiday, birthday and every Sunday anyone not busy goes to lunch at the parentals. We ALWAYS laugh and talk about everything. The best is reminiscing on stories from when we were little. SUCH great times! And dinners always last forever! Lol. Some of the best times spent are at the dinner table. Wish more people understood what they were missing!

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