I'm Getting Married.....

.....SOMEDAY!!! haha.... Ohhh, I amuse myself.

Ok, so down to business:

This is literally the most beautiful dress I've ever seen! When that scary wonderful day comes, this is what I'll be wearing (with a few modest modifications, of course...). 


michelle said…
you are too funny! i saw your title on Sheryl's blog and I am thinkin WhAt?!? Hahaha. The dress is beautiful. love it.
Nicole said…
so beautiful. so you!!!! I love it!! I'll be there!!! :) :)
Sheryl Towers said…
Well I saw the title on Ashley's blog and thought, WHAT...I have to hear about it on a blog?!!!! So, when the time comes, you better CALL me! And...you would look lovely in that dress with your alterations....♥U

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