New York Fall Colors by Dr. Chet Scerra

My handsome daddy.

Who apparently also has a Buddhist side?

Multi-faceted, multi-talented. Honestly amazing.

Although it has become a fairly recent "full time hobby", he has been photographing since 1968 when he bought his first single lens reflex camera from one of his microbiology professors.

I've been feeling nostalgic for fall colors recently. I made a special daughter-daddy request for photos of the New York landscape I call home. Reds, oranges, yellows. Hill sides on fire with color.

Because he loves me, or because he wanted to hush my incessant requests, he obliged. 

Here are some of his photos. Enjoy and HAPPY AUTUMN!

New York Harvest

Wing Hill Road


Jessica Escobedo said…
Great photos!!!! It's supposed to be over 100 here this weekend, so it's hard to imagine that it's cool on the East Coast.

--Jessica Escobedo :)
Sara Grace said…
i am seriously obsessed with his pictures. he is going to be my mentor....i hope he is okay with that! :)
missy said…
Oh My Gosh. Those photos are amazing. Your dad is quite a talent.

And it makes me miss fall so badly. Curse AZ for being so dreadfully hot and no changing leaves...

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