Eduation creates International Ambassadors


          Amazing invite in the inbox today. 

Embassy of Pakistan
H.E.  Husain Haqqani
Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan

Cordially invites  
Ms. Amy Scerra 

To a Reception to Honor the
Pakistani Graduates
Attire: Formal

In my aviation days, it wasn’t unusual to receive invites from my clients to galas, red carpet events, or other high profile events. Nothing, nothing, will compare to the kind of celebration I'm about to attend with Thunderbird for Good. 

Why? Because I actually care, love, and know the women being celebrated and appreciated. They are incredible. We have grown, progressed, been s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-d mentally, shopped (ok, shopped alot), laughed, learned, bonded, and cried together. 

We have had frank, honest and open conversations about the world news, the climate of politics in both our nations, the future of their world, the role of women, and of course, current events. I can assure you, they are just as appalled as we are

We didn't want that conversation to become the elephant in the room. They aren't here to be spotlighted for this reason. 

They are here because they are incredible women, breaking down the barriers of what women are traditionally "allowed" to do in their culture. Working outside the home is not the norm. Women seen in public is not the norm in some communities. Education is frowned upon in some communities. These women broke all that down. Those rules did not exist for them. 

Things you and I (in America) take for granted like freedom to wear any fashion we choose, how far to take our education, speaking our minds, business and land ownership, are all the things they fought for, and continue to fight for. They are heroes to me. 

Educate a woman, and you educate a nation.  

I asked one of my women today what she wanted for her daughter. Without hesitation, she said, "she will stay in school forever if she wants! I want her to be a business owner, an astronaut, anything she chooses!" 

THIS is just the beginning of changing the world. It starts with women


i love how passionate you are.

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