Dawn's First Glow - Emerald Bay

photo credit

Good Morning and happy Friday! I wish I was waking up here today!

I have been invited to participate in Friday prayers at the local mosque, and I'm so thrilled for this new experience. I hope the Imam is ready for my many, many questions. I have a group of small business owners arriving from Afghanistan, and I'm researching a few local places, like the mosque, to add to their cultural experience while in America.

In my quest for "authentic experiences", I find myself becoming almost addicted to that feeling of culture shock {thank you e. for opening my mind to this!}. The feeling of being out of my comfort zone, of learning, growing, re-defining my beliefs of people and things. 

Culture shock can happen within your own city, you definitely don't need a passport to experience it. I challenge you to search out new experiences with new people. There is no such thing as a foolish question, so ask them a lot! Learn about other people's journey, their views, their experiences. Grow through knowledge. Enjoy your weekend my loves!


Unknown said…
great post Amy. One of the gifts I am most grateful for is having lived in many different states. While not as exotic as your experiences, I have experienced different cultures, religions, and customs. So many people I have met lately, have never even left their county, let alone experiencing different parts of our great nation.
Have an awesome day.
M. said…
ooh, so exciting! with Ramadan, Saturday starts the really important time, so should be extra special!! :)
love the photo and i'm going to take you up on your culture shock challenge!

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