
Being honest is hard. I mean, 100% listen to your gut, no exceptions, kind of honesty. 

Well, actually, maybe being honest isn't the hardest part.

The hardest part is following through on the conclusions this honesty brings. It's taking those action steps that your honesty tells you need to happen. It's scary and can be life-altering. 

For the first time in my life, I had a 100% open, honest conversation last night. The results are sad, but real for everyone involved.

Facing reality is not the easy way, but in the long run the best route. To me, this is the definition of taking the high road. 

Owning the idea that your happiness is up to you, and nobody else. 

If only we could see the future. To look up at the stars and know what path is best for us. Are we making the right choice? Are we doing the right thing? In my experience, I usually know the answer 10 years down the road. 

But a good way to make sure the answer is "YES, that was the right choice", is practicing honesty with yourself and others. Not stopping there, but taking the second and most important step: Listening and taking action. Choose the right and high road. See what is right in front of you.  

Be happy. Keep your chin up. There is much to be grateful for! Enjoy your weekend my loves.


Courtney B said…
You are so right, being 100% honest can be so difficult! But good for you, I'm so glad you were brave enough to be completely honest! I need to be a lot better about this!
Louise said…
great post, how very true. and beautiful photo to illustrate with.
M. said…
:/ but those are so hard to have. Good for you to have the strength to follow it to what it can bring. xx I'll get there... soon?

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