Foo Fighters in Phoenix - We Got the Best of You

What better way to cap off the weekend than rocking out to Foo Fighters. 

Ladies, say hello to Mr. Dave Grohl. Musician, comedian, all around entertainer and gorgeous man.

The whole band was absolutely incredible - each person was SO talented. I can't imagine the workout he gets every concert. I was tired watching him! I understand now why drummers are significantly more naked than the rest of the band. It's like P90X up there on stage for them!

Dave started off the night: "Foo Fighters isn't some 1 hour 15 minute band like most of the pop sh*t bands out there. Maybe 16 years ago when we sucked! But now, we own you for the next 3 hours! Get comfortable!". Hilarious! I'll even forgive him for the dig he made at house music. He said "Now, I check my email every day. But that's the extent of my computer use. I don't use it to make my music, ya know what I'm saying? Me, my guitar and my band. That's real music." 

what a brat.

 This guy rocked all.night.long.

Foo Fighters was hands down the BEST concert I've ever been to. They brought down the house for almost 3 HOURS! If you've never heard them live, Dave Grohl literally SCREAM sings for that long - but then again, so did I!!! 

Remember back in the day when everyone would get their lighters out and sway with them lit in the air? Well, now it's cell phones swaying in the air. I don't know if it's just easier, or if people are finally getting the hint that cigarettes cause cancer?

These pictures are NOT a beautiful starry night in Phoenix. Thank you smart phones and your glowing screens.

If you have the chance to see these guys.... GO. Fun night, amazing music, hilarious dudes. 

(sorry for the blurry - my camera wouldn't focus right!)


I think I've had a crush on Dave Grohl since I was 5. AMAZING. I love that picture of the cell phones. so awesome
Pamela said…
Oh man, I have seen them perform too! They are good!! Whew, Dave Grohl ;)
Taylor said…
those cellphone pictures are fantastic! they really do look like brilliant stars. gorgeous!!
so jealous of you right now!
The Presutti's said…
Just found your blog!! Looks like you had a great time!!!
Can't wait to get to know you!

Have a great week!

Kyla said…
I haven't listened to the Foo Fighters in forever, but I used to love them. Looks like a fun comment!
Meggan said…
You had such great seats! I love their music as well, it looks like such a fun concert!!

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