Operation Demolish Comfort Zone. Success.

Marc and Angel advise: “Move out of your comfort zone.  You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new.”  One of the biggest reasons people get stuck in an idle state, instead of taking action to change their lives for the better, is simply that the process is uncomfortable.  But to create positive changes in your life you have to step outside your comfort zone, at least for a little while.

Routines stagnate us.  New experiences help us grow and they make life interesting.  Make an effort to try something new every day this week.  It can be a whole new activity or just a small experience, such as talking to a stranger.  And once you get the ball rolling, many of these new experiences will open doors to life changing opportunities.

So, what should I try that's new? How about going to the Arizona State Fair to a monster truck show and RV Demolition Derby? Yes!!!

I fit right in

There was a monster firetruck looking thing that had seats/seatbelts in the bed of the truck. They were giving people a ride around the track, spinning us out, going over jumps etc. It.was.amazing. Going fast, but not fast enough to forget a feet/boot picture!! I actually lost my voice yesterday after screaming so much. Such a girl....

Somehow talked my way into sitting in one of the trucks. I think my pashmina and velvet leggings gave me away that I was a newbie at this stuff. I was the only one standing by the truck just staring like a moron with wide eyes. When no one was looking, he hoisted me up there. The driver probably felt sorry for me. If you're wondering, there are actually steps up into the drivers seat. They are just inside the false door there.... Learning new, important things everyday, aren't you? You're welcome.

This guy. My new hilarious friend.....

Drove this. HAHA. His law firm sponsors this RV Demolition Derby at the Arizona State Fair, and he actually drives the RV! They found the RV on Craigslist, painted it black and got their firm's logo on it, and crashed the heck out of it!! This pic is post-roof collapse, couch and oven falling out the back end. 

I'd say Operation Derby was a success. What will you do today or this week that's new? With a strategy of continuous small steps into new experiences, we are able to sidestep the biggest barrier to positive change:  Fear. 


Elle Sees said…
Wow! I would be way too scared to do that!
Elle Sees said…
i like the nyx black eyeliner but it does smudge, which is great for a smokey eye, but not great for the bottom liner. i would recc a primer first if using it as a real liner. it is really creamy though.
Meggan said…
You look so cute sitting in that huge tire! It looks like you had a great time trying something new! xoxo
Nuha said…
you are so cute!! and thank you for your sweet eid message...it really meant a lot to me :)
Anonymous said…
Who's the guy??? You two would look amazing together....just sayin'!!
Hillary said…
Loved readingg this thanks

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