When I Grow Up....

Flagstaff 2011

"I may still not know what I want to be when I grow up, but I do know that someday I want to live in a house filled with my books and travel souvenirs. And the walls that aren't covered with bookshelves will be covered with photos of my family and friends. When I leave the house I will be going to a job I love and I'll return to a person I love. So....that's the dream I'm working on." ~Amber Morley

This quote has been on my wall for the last 3 years. I hand wrote it on a piece of paper. I have no idea where I read it.... It just resonated with me. I try to absolutely live this every day.

Family, friends, travel, experiences, learning, love, happiness, trust, engagement, generosity, communication, loyalty.

these are the things i think matter most. sometimes i feel like i'm asking too much.

I cherish the loved ones who understand. 

What are your 'love languages'?


ms.composure said…
def LOVING LOVING that quote you shared...and love language...hmmmm that a tough one!


Anonymous said…
What a great quote! It sums up a lot of what I feel like, and many of the things I know are important and will continue to be important as I grow up. Thanks for sharing!

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