What I Ate: Breakfast With Friends

When friends and family are in town, I actually take the time to make breakfast look semi-pretty. But, even when they're not here, this is still the basic breakfast I eat!

Step 1 - Sautée asparagus, red bell pepper, red onions about 2 minutes
Step 2 - Beat 6 egg whites (3 egg whites for one person) with 2 Tbsp (1 Tbps for one person) feta cheese
Step 3 - Pour egg white/feta mix over cooking veggies
Step 4 - Toast bread
Step 5 - Plate up. 2 slices of avocado per person.

Total of 6 minutes cooking time. 6 minutes prep time (chopping veggies, beating eggs/feta). If you think you're pressed for time, try thinking about it this way: It takes far less time to prep healthy food, than to try and burn off your bad food choices in the gym. 

Choose where you spend your time wisely - enjoying a delicious healthy breakfast that takes a little extra prep time vs. running on a treadmill for 1 hour burning off a donut.

Seems like an easy choice to me. Happy eating!


This looks sooo GREAT! And what a beautiful photo you took. I must try this. Hope you had a great weekend - if the food is anything to go by, it looks like it was a fabulous one!
OMG, I'm drooling....That looks amazing!
renee said…
yum, everything looks so delicious.. & i absolutely love avocado sliced up too (especially when it's topped on a fresh baguette!) xx.

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