I Don't Need Perfect

Beautiful Friends

Mama, Sister, Me

Beautiful Melinda and Me. Soaked to the bone in London.

Papa and Grandma Anne

sister and me

I DON’T want perfect people in my life. 

Even though you probably sometimes get confused, you don’t really want your friends and lovers to be perfect.  What you do want is people you can trust, who treat you right – people you can act silly with, who love being around you as much as you love being around them.  It’s about finding people who know about your mistakes and weaknesses and stand by your side when others walk away.

I love, am in love, am grateful for, the friends/boyfriend/family that are silly, not perfect, supportive, unconditionally loving.


Kyla said…
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Kyla said…
These photos are beautiful! And that's very true, I love the people in my life because they support and love me, not because they're perfect.
Katherine said…
definitely true - everyone has their faults, but i love that all my friends and family are 'perfect' to me. they all treat me well and make me feel like such an important person. i love that.

and these pictures are all amazingly endearing.

<3 katherine


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