Mini Treats!

Sometimes you just need a little taste to be satisfied. My mom used to say "Just a steetz. Just a steetz!". We used to laugh at that!! It was her word for 'just a little'. Who knows where it came from...

Mini plates of food are a nice switch from the typical American heaping portion. I think that's the great part about Spanish tapas restaurants, you can try a little of everything, not filling up on one dish. Great spot to dine with friends and connect over everyone's hands in your food. ;)

This is my kind of dessert. Cheerios made into mini donuts! Cinnamon Cheerios, Powdered Sugar Cheerios, Nutella and Sprinkle Cheerios.
Tiny Treats

Yup, those are Slim Jim's Emma sliced to make her pepperoni.
Unconfidential Cook. Slice up Slim Jims for your pepperoni! (FYI - this is not my recommendation... I vote for veggies and real pizza dough, or even a whole wheat English Muffin. But this WAS cute.)

Unconfidential Cook

Mmmm. Mini Thumbprint Cookies!

Unconfidential Cook

Emma used store-bought peanut-butter cookie dough and regular-size chocolate chips.

She used store-bought peanut-butter cookie dough and regular-size chocolate chips instead of the standard Hershey's Kiss.

Sometimes size does matter :)


Mal said…
They're all so fun and adorable!!

Mal @ The Chic Geek
we need to be friends in person

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