My Flaws

Such truth via Marc and Angel

our sedona shadows

Everyone’s story is more complicated than it seems.  Every passing face on the street represents a story every bit as compelling and complicated as yours.  

It’s not always the tears that measure a person’s pain, sometimes it’s the smile they fake.  Not all scars show.  Not all wounds heal by themselves.  You usually can’t see the pain that someone feels.  

Don’t judge a person negatively for their past or feelings without a full understanding of their situation.  Just because you don’t agree based on what you see, doesn’t mean you’re right.  

And don’t be so quick to point out the flaws in other people’s lives when you are not willing to look at the flaws in your own life.

That being said -- I am so grateful for my world. My life. My friends. Family. Opportunities. Hardships. Growth. Change. Adventure. Challenges. Knowledge. 

So much good in my life, and much of it has stemmed from more painful times. Everything changes, even the good things. So enjoy right now. Enjoy who you're with, and if you're not enjoying, CHANGE it! You have that power!


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