Afternoon Delight

In an unfortunate wrestling, tickling accident over the weekend, I broke 3 ribs. Wow...

I have an 8 week recovery road ahead of me where pain management is the only thing we can do. bummer.

One thing that makes me feel better (besides pain meds) is this tasty little snack. Sprouts is one of my favorite fresh produce stores on the planet (besides Wegmans, but they haven't made it to the west cost of the States yet..booo.). They also happen to make delicious bread - this slice only has 45 calories! 

This is their cracked wheat bread that I toasted, 1 Tbsp of Trader Joe's Unsalted Crunchy Almond Butter, and a handful of smooshed raspberries for the jam. 

Absolutely delicious and delightful - my ribs will feel better for the next 10 bites. It's foodie magic.


ms.composure said…
oh no 3 ribs!!! that def sounds painful!!

and i def just discovered sprouts and they are so YUMMY! def a new favorite of mine!
Unknown said…
whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :O I hope you get lots of rest and super spoiled with tons of yummy things like hugs and kisses, and sweets!!! keeping you in my thoughts n prayers for a speedy recovery!! BESOS
oh my goodness! That sounds awful. Tickle attack? Yikes! That spread looks delish though. Injury or not:)
Brooke said…
ohh, you poor thing! How painful! I hope you are feeling better. Thanks for the sweet blog comment:) Your words really meant a lot to me. I hope things are well with you! I love your blog posts with all your recipes, travels, quotes, and everything else. I hope to meet up with you in Arizona again when we are down there next. It will probably be in the spring again:) Have a good evening!

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