Thank you to our US Military

I am truly grateful for our military. I have spent quite a bit of time on military bases, as I almost married an Air Force man. eeek. Good thing we didn't move forward with that. Hindsight is always 20/20. :)

Beyond that little life moment, I do have family members & many close friends in the military, or who are military spouses. I really do understand the hardship, sacrifice, and also pride involved in the "lifestyle" of a military home. 

I am supremely thankful for those who give their lives, both literally and figuratively, to ensuring the US Military keeps our nation safe and functioning. 

My gratitude spans several generations.... I have friends who were attacked by Taliban, friends who invaded Iraq for the first time, and of course, my grandfather who spent 4 years behind enemy lines with the (yet to be named) Army Rangers, parachuting into enemy territory, sleeping in barns, bargaining with locals for food, carrying his best friend who had malaria on his back for 4 days to escape being taken prisoner in Germany, sending reports back to home base about the positioning of enemy troops. 

Thank you to our military past and present. America and the rest of the world appreciates the sacrifice you and your families give to keep us safe. 

Today I had lunch at a small, local Korean restaurant. I was thrilled to walk in and see 10+ former military men sitting at a table enjoying a reunion. Each man proudly displayed pins, patches, VFW hats, war wounds.... They enjoyed food from a nation they each undoubtedly served or fought for.


With Love,
Amy, a nobody in Arizona who is very grateful


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