Master Chef Baking Classes for a Non-Baker

Spoiler!! I didn't burn down the kitchen! The finished product.

I'm definitely an Italian when it comes to cooking. Throw a little of this, little of that, pinch of this, shake of that. I like to taste as I go, nothing is measured too precisely, and written recipes are few and far between. I didn't realize my 1/3 measuring cup was missing for like 3 months. That's how often I bake.

When my darling friend suggested a girlfriend getaway for 6 of us to cooking classes in Scottsdale, I immediately said yes!!! I have always wanted to go to cooking classes. I almost went to Culinary School after I left aviation, but decided against it once I realized how much I didn't want to WORK in the industry, I just wanted to make and eat good food!

I was so excited for this opportunity with friends........until I found out it was a baking class. We were baking PIES of all things. I don't bake pies. That's what my grandma is for. I was convinced my pie would catch fire, or I'd use salt instead of sugar. I don't have a lot of confidence in my ability to follow precise recipes... Which, I know is exactly why I needed this class!

Monti Carlo from Master Chef. She told us she likes to slice apples and think of her ex-husband. Good thing she was adorable and super sweet!
I LITERALLY had the dirtiest apron in the class. That's the Italian in me - food everywhere. 
Weaving my lattice work! oh yah! Pie artist here! 
Very focused

My darling friend Gbemi from Nigeria. I think she should intro apple pies there - the nouveau dessert!
Chef and Monti answering our ridiculous questions. Amateurs. 

Pre-Baking. I tried to make a star, but it is lopsided. oops.

ooooh lawwwd have mercy. Apples, cinnamon, nutmeg scents filling the room! And yes, it was like 400 degrees in there. :/

Love this chick! Can't wait till she starts teaching cooking classes at her house! She can make ANYTHING.

Nice... pies.

Lots of questions from us non-bakers 
I did it!!!!! (even though they gave this to me at the beginning of class. i must not look like a quitter.)

Having the mirror above them helped so much to see everything they're doing. So cool! This was during the cherry pie tutorial. (i hate cherry pie)

Only Gbemi meets Monti for the first time and gives her a big hug and kiss. Love this.


Your pies look fabulous! My husband (who used to be a chef) cooks like you do... never measures anything and creates dishes by adding this and that. I'm the complete opposite... I prefer to follow a recipe and have exact measurements! I have yet to tackle pie making though... maybe someday!
Courtney B said…
Your pies look delicious!! What an awesome class! I am DEFINITELY not a baker.... wish I could've come with you to this class :)
Test said…
That is what i call money well invested! Food makes everything better... Especially pies!!!
Justin said…
Monti was great on Master Chef this season - looks like so much fun!

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