S'mores, Football, and Afghan Women

Steve and the famous Jones family - our volunteer superheroes! We love them!

Rony on the left. Our Haitian pastor/orphanage owner/author/PhD student. When the 10,000 Women ladies from Haiti were here, he and his parish were amazingly helpful during our two weeks!

Poor E. and his bad back, and Gabe

The ladies love Gale!!!!

Steve is ridiculous. The ladies love him because he is so silly (ridiculous).

Ladies, this is how you make s'mores. First....we start with the marshmallow roasting! So, so, so funny!

"How do we make these in Afghanistan?!"

"We loves s'mores! But, they are so sweet!" Yes, ladies. We chunky Americans love sweets...

Beautiful Malika and her treats! Nice work on your first try!

Beautiful Sania and her s'more! 

Delicious and gooey

My lovely ladies!

Enjoying the beautiful fire and nice temperatures

Love them!


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