Video is Up! TEDx Phoenix Change.

It is a bizarre, awkward, semi-embarrassing thing, watching yourself speak on video.

That being said, I really am happy to see the video from the TEDx talk I did a little while ago. 

there are certainly things that I wish I did better, articulated more clearly, didn't ramble on about forever.

I'm human. 

We make mistakes. We don't always say the right thing. We don't always make the facial expression that matches our intent.

I'm learning slowly to just accept what I could give in that moment. 

The past is always 20/20! I hate that quote. but it's true.

I wish someone would have burst through my office door today and said.... Just Kidding!!!! That was your practice run! You've analyzed your presentation to bits.... Now it's time to do the real thing!

But I know that's not real life. 

So I'll smile and be happy and grateful for the opportunity - no matter how dorky I feel. I know that people who truly care about me will not pick me apart. They are able to feel happy alongside me.

The Human Moment: TEDx Phoenix Change


Bri Buzali said…
How cool that you gave a TEDx talk! I think that's one thing that's on my bucket list. You did FABULOUS don't worry, we're always our own worst critics!

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