What Happens in Vegas.....

Numero uno favorite part of being an entrepreneur again is the FREEDOM I have in my schedule. The fact that we have people in so many cities that have opened their doors to us saying:  Come work here for the week. Bounce ideas off us! Let us help you!

This week is Vegas with some of the most accomplished people we know. Spoiler alert -- Zappos is in our future!

Next is Milwaukee. Then Denver. Then Vegas. Then Haiti. Then New York. 

THIS is exciting and I haven't been this happy or fulfilled in a long time. 

Success to me is having the means and the ability to give back to others. This is what we're shooting for. 

(p.s. Do you ever pull over to the side of the road to take pictures? I do.... Steve is learning to bear with me. He took some pictures of me....taking pictures?!) 

Letting the strong wind wash over me


Test said…
great post... wishing you great success!
NadiaThinks said…
Absolutely love this post and looking forward to all of your marvelous work!

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