mo' money. mo' problems.

Bits of Truth

I'm working on that whole "live simply" bit. I've never been a financial whiz. Ask my math teachers, my tutors, my tax accountant, my parents (eek...). 

I know I need to spend less than I make. 

That isn't really an issue with me. I'm not a big shopper, I don't travel as much as I wish I did, I don't have an expensive car or house, and I have a decent salary.

The problem is, it hasn't always been this way. There was a time (all through my career in aviation) where I made a lot of money. However, I had no idea how to save. I spent and spent, and spent.... You get the picture. Traveling over seas isn't cheap, especially in Europe. Think: double the price for everything. 

With all the beautiful clothes, souvenirs, presents, cultural experiences, chocolates, food, shoes surrounding me for 5 years straight.... I think I just over spent. So, when I left aviation (abruptly), I had nothing saved. Being essentially out of work, living hand to mouth for 2 years did some damage on my credit cards. Not anything huge...but enough to cause me stress. I'm still paying it off. 

Add in an audit by the IRS, and my taxes done INCORRECTLY by my own tax accountant for 3 years.....and my bank account was dwindling quickly.

S is a finance major. A businessman. His entire business is built around advising financially naive peeps like me. I'm grateful that he's sensitive to bribes in the form of steak, potatoes and pasta. 

Budgeted life, I'm here and ready! I can't wait to pay all this baggage off quickly. So -- in the meantime, if I can't go out to dinner with you, take lavish vacations to see you, or buy you pretty birthday know why. At least for now. 

Debt = stress. I'm grateful it's not out of control. I'm grateful I have people in my life to support me and help me as I learn. I'm thick headed and I learn slow. I'm sorry. 

Money is a universal stress. I'm not trying to get too personal in this post, I just think we all should take a second look at our finances, keep track of our spending, and make sure you're making wise choices. The less stress in your life, the better, right?!


Stesha said…
This is weird, I was just thinking this morning.....why do i not have any money? I have not traveld, bought any new fabulous clothes or shoes, and i hate eating out!! ironically enough, i have the same problem as you! I overspent for years and now i hate the fact that I have a CC! yuck!! i am with you girl, lets sit at home, blog our life away and save our money :)
Oh man. It's so frustrating. I want things so badly.

I saw a Kate Spade bag in Nordstrom and I can't stop thinking about it. It is so not worth the money but it is beautiful and I want it. I've seriously considered selling my kidney for it. lol

I won't end up buying it. but 3 years ago I probably would have. I don't have much debt either - especially in comparison to people whose bankruptcies I file every day! Which makes me feel a little better. BUT I am pretty materialistic.

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